Crab Orchard Utility Water Treatment Plant

located on

Otter Creek Lake

Side close-up COUD Treatment Plant

About Us

The Crab Orchard Utility District was chartered in March 1966 to serve potable water to the residents of the Crab Orchard Community with water purchased from the City of Crossville. Their first meters were read on September 17, 1967.

Later the District was re-created to expand its boundaries to include the Community of Fairfield Glade and the majority of the Eastern portion of Cumberland County.

Since that time, the Utility has grown to be the largest Utility District in Cumberland County, with approximately 7500 active customers, approximately 400 miles of water lines, and 14.5 million dollars in assets.

In 1995 the District constructed a 137-acre lake and a 2 million gallon per day treatment plant and began producing all their water for their customers. Later the plant was increased to a 4 million gallon per day plant, where we currently treat approximately 1.5 million gallons per day.

Board Members

Board members are appointed by the Cumberland County Mayor. Board members elect their own Chairman.

The Crab Orchard Board of Commissioners meets each month on the second Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. at the main office: 2089 East First Street, Crossville, TN 38555

Staff Members

Immediate management and operation of the facility are under the direct supervision of a General Manager who is hired by the Board. The General Manager hires all employees and fixes their duties, except for legal and technical advisors, which shall be subject to the approval of the Board. Detailed responsibilities are outlined in T. C. A. Section 5-16-104, and T. C. A. 5-16-105.

For more information, contact our office.